Effects of stable occlusal splint on sleep bruxism patients 稳定牙合垫治疗磨牙症的多导睡眠监测分析
Setup Error on X-Ray Universal Simulator in Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck Tumor Using Radiopaque Fiducial Markers Embeded in Occlusal Splint to Measure Setup Error in Conformal Radiotherapy for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 应用模拟定位机分析头颈部肿瘤调强放疗的摆位误差(牙合)内置标记点法测量鼻咽癌适形放射治疗的摆位误差
Conclusion The relaxation splint and mandibular stabilization splint can relax the masticatory muscles. Effects of stable occlusal splint on sleep bruxism patients 结论松弛性(牙合)垫和稳定性(牙合)垫均对咀嚼肌有松弛作用。稳定牙合垫治疗磨牙症的多导睡眠监测分析
Objective: To observe the effects of occlusal splint removable denture on anodontia and TMD old patients. 目的:观察牙列缺损伴有颞下颌关节症状的老年患者采用垫式可摘局部义齿修复的临床效果。
Clinical observation of organic destruction of TMJDS treated with intraarticular injection and occlusal splint therapy 封闭疗法结合咬合板治疗颞下颌关节紊乱综合征器质性破坏类的临床观察
Objective: To observe the histological changes of mandibular condyle and disc after sagittal condyle fracture treated with occlusal splint and to explore the mechanism of occlusal splint treatment. 目的:观察髁状突纵形骨折后及牙合夹板治疗时髁状突、关节盘的改变。探讨牙合夹板治疗机制。
Objective: To compact the clinical treatment effect of bruxism by using ultra-form occlusal splint and popular plastic occlusal splint. 目的:比较真空成形牙合垫与普通塑料牙合垫治疗夜磨牙症的临床效果。
Objective To investigate clinical the effect of occlusal splint removable denture on temporomandibular joint disorder ( TMD) with anodontia and serious dental abrasion. 目的探讨用义齿式牙合板治疗伴有牙列缺损和牙体磨损的颞下颌关节紊乱病的效果。
Conclusion: The occlusal splint is an effective treatment to TMD. 结论:咬合板是治疗肌功能紊乱的有效方法。
The primary purpose of this study is to estimate loading conditions on the TMJ with five different occlusal splint. 本课题在建立人体牙、部分咀嚼肌、颞颌关节力学模型基础上,研究了戴五种类型垫时髁状突的受力的情况。
A study of electric information monitoring in the treatment of bruxism with occlusal splint 咬合板治疗磨牙症的磨牙信息监测研究
Cases without any effect ( 7.02%). Total effect rates were 92.98%. It is concluded that occlusal splint can improve occlusal rehabilitation and the treatment for bruxism. 无效4例,占7.02%.总有效率82.98%.认为垫有助于改善关系,对于治疗夜磨牙症有肯定的效果。
Results: In one month, the teeth grinding stopped in 6 cases to 11 cases by using popular plastic occlusal splint and ultra-form occlusal splint, in six month, which is in 10 cases to 17 cases; 结果:配戴普通塑料牙合垫和真空成形牙合垫1个月时停止磨牙例数之比为6∶11;
Clinical Study of Occlusal Splint in the Treatment of Mandibular Deviation 咬合板矫正下颌偏位的临床研究
The electromyogram ( EMG) of lateral pterygoid muscle ( LP) in 43 patients with LP dysfunction was measured before, when and after the use of occlusal splint. 对43例伴翼外肌(LP)功能紊乱的颅颌功能紊乱(CMD)患者戴咬合板前后的LP肌电变化进行研究。
Methods: To made ultra-form occlusal splint and popular plastic occlusal splint and to ask the patients wearing the splint during night. 方法:分别用真空成形术和普通塑料制作牙合垫,嘱患者夜间休息时戴用。
METHODS: A groove about 3 mm wide and 0.7 mm deep on the approximal point of labial lingual or on the center occlusal of molar was made. Followed 1-4 years effects after completed the periodontal splint. 方法:在需要固定的前牙舌侧邻接点处(后牙为牙合面)开一条约3mm宽,0.7mm深的沟,完成超强玻璃纤维加流动树脂牙周夹板治疗,经1~4年的随访观察。